We have several meetings weekly, all of which you are invited
to attend. Each one serves a distinct purpose in the life of our
church family. |
Sunday Worship is a special time of uplifting praise music and encouraging messages
from God's Word.
Living Word also has an excellent Children's Ministry for ages 1 to 7. Our nursery is available for infants.
Services begin at 10:30 AM. For directions to Living Word, please check our Location page.
Each Saturday night at Living Word has a different emphasis. On
the first Saturday of the month, we focus our time on prayer.
On the second, we show special teaching videos on various topics.
Third Saturdays are fellowship nights, where we meet in small
groups to talk. And fourth Saturdays are directed towards outreach,
where we discover ways to "reach out to the Asian American community
and beyond"!
Living Word also has a number of small groups meeting during the
week for encouragement, accountability and leadership training.
If you are hungry to go deeper, or just need a helping hand in
your spiritual life, this is where to go.
To find out when and where our "growth groups" are meeting, contact us today. |
If you need more information about one of our meetings, giveus
a call. Visit our Contact page for how to reach us.